Portman Ridge Finance Corporation (PTMN)

Portman Ridge Finance Corporation (PTMN) — Recent Articles & Press Releases:

Portman Ridge Finance Corporation (PTMN) — Key Stats & Information:

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#1  TPVG 17.62%  
#2  OFS 16.75%  
#3  TCPC 16.39%  
#4  RWAY 15.21%  
#5  PTMN 15.11%  
#6  TRIN 14.72%  
#7  ICMB 14.63%  
#8  OXSQ 14.33%  
#9  PSEC 14.09%  
• • •   
Current Stock Price:
(Data delayed 20 minutes)
Most Recent NAV/Share:
(As of 6/30/2024)
Current Price/NAV: .86x
Annualized Regular Dividend: $2.76
Annualized Current Yield: 15.11%
TTM = Trailing Twelve Months
  9/30/2023 12/31/2023 3/31/2024 6/30/2024
NAV/Share: $22.65 $22.76 $22.57 $21.21
Debt/Equity: 1.33 1.19 1.24 1.26
NOI/Share: $0.75 $1.19 $0.67 $0.70
EPS/Share: $0.78 $0.74 $0.48 $-0.69
Sum of TTM NOI/Share
(Or NII/share where applicable)
TTM NOI Yield:
(As percentage of current $18.27 price)
Sum of TTM EPS/Share
TTM EPS Yield:
(As percentage of current $18.27 price)
Sum of TTM Regular Dividends $2.76
TTM Dividend Yield:
(As percentage of current $18.27 price)
% Senior Debt % Sub Debt % Equity % Other
72.1% 22.5% 5.4% 0%
Stock Price @ Quarter End:
(Closest close to 6/30/2024)
NAV/Share: $21.21
Price/NAV: .93x
Shares Outstanding: 9.26M
Market Cap: 181.69M
Investments at Cost: 522.68M
Investments at Fair Value: 444.37M
Difference: -78.31M
Net Asset Value: 196.42M
Leverage 247.95M
Debt:Equity Ratio 1.26:1
Realized Gains/Losses:
(During quarter)
Unrealized Gains/Losses:
(During quarter)
Non-Accruals at Cost: 4.5%
Non-Accruals at Fair Value: 0.5%
Net Operating Income / Share
(Or Net Investment Income where applicable)
EPS/Share $-0.69
Regular Dividends/Share $0.69
Regular Dividend Yield (Annualized)
(Against quarter-end $19.62 stock price)
Although best efforts are made to minimize errors, there is no guarantee this data is free of error and therefore it should not be relied upon for investment decisions. See full disclaimer.
Base Management Fee: 1.5%
Fees Paid on Cash?: No
NOI Incentive Fee: 17.5%
Annual Hurdle Rate: 7%
Capital Gains Fee: 17.5%
Incentive Catch-Up Provision: No
Total Return Hurdle: No
Fees on Non-Cash Income: Yes
For more information see PTMN SEC filings.
• • •   
#28  OCSL 0.90x  
#29  SAR 0.89x  
#30  FCRD 0.88x  
#31  MFIC 0.87x  
#32  PTMN 0.86x  
#33  WHF 0.86x  
#34  BBDC 0.85x  
#35  BKCC 0.85x  
#36  FSK 0.84x  
• • •   
Mouse over chart for data details
Mouse over chart for data details
 Avg: .81x
Mouse over chart for data details
(regular quarterly amount annualized)
Mouse over chart for data details
 Avg: 13.34%
Mouse over chart for data details
 Avg: .22:1
(or NII/share when applicable)
Mouse over chart for data details
RankBDC1Yr NAV/Sh Change  
• • •   
#29  WHF -3.93% 
#30  SAR -4.82% 
#31  PSEC -5.41% 
#32  SSSS -5.58% 
#33  PTMN -5.90% 
#34  GSBD -6.31% 
#35  MRCC -6.50% 
#36  OCSL -7.10% 
#37  LRFC -7.15% 
• • •   

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